
Lhere Artepe Aboriginal Corporation

On Country Cultural Protocols Campaign

Lhere Artepe Aboriginal Corporation approached us with the On Country Protocol Campaign, with the goal of promoting respectful behaviour among visitors from other communities who come to Alice Springs. This important awareness campaign is led by Elders who are dedicated to reducing crime in the area.

bellette took on the task and created a range of assets, starting with establishing the art direction and designing various signage including posters, banners, and other printed materials. These assets prominently showcase the cultural protocols and are strategically displayed throughout Alice Springs to educate and inform visitors.

To further amplify the impact of the campaign, we also produced a meticulously crafted video animation and a television commercial. This involved everything from developing the script and recording the voiceover to creating concept art and executing the full animation. By featuring Traditional Owners on screen and allowing them to speak directly about the protocol, we aimed to create a powerful message that would resonate with a wider audience.

In collaboration with Lhere Artepe Aboriginal Corporation, we have successfully brought the On Country Protocol Campaign to life, delivering a comprehensive range of assets and media that effectively raise awareness and encourage positive change in Alice Springs.

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